Microsoft Edge: Smart Browser to Browse Internet Faster and Easier

What type of browser have you used until today? Have you ever heard about Microsoft Edge? Nowadays, the browser is so important because we can browse so much information using that. There are so many popular browsers in the world. Now, let’s talk about Microsoft Edge that can be compared to other popular browsers.

What is Microsoft Edge?

Some people may be familiar with Microsoft Edge. Microsoft Edge is a browser in Windows 10. If the previous version of Windows uses Internet Explorer, you will not find it anymore because it is replaced by Microsoft Edge.

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We know that Internet Explorer is rarely used by Windows user. So, the existence of Microsoft Edge will be more special and has various features to attract many people for using this browser. With Microsoft Edge, people will be more active to browse because this browser has various advantages.

What are Features of Microsoft Edge?

You may be so curious about the features of Microsoft Edge. Compare to other popular browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge can save your PC’s battery life. Not only that, Microsoft Edge designed to make you focus on what matters. This browser has a modern, clean and easy display. Your content will be put in front and center, so you will be easy to browse what you want.

There are so many excellent features of Microsoft Edge, such as Cortana. You can use this feature as a navigator in Windows 10. It makes you easy to browse everything you need. Another feature is Doodle. It is a useful feature to create a web note on the web page. You just need to click on “Make a Web Note” for using this feature.

Reading View is also the feature of Microsoft Edge that will be so useful for you. It is good for you who want to read the information on the websites without advertisement, sidebar, and other annoying display. You can also use the Reading List feature to make you easy when reading different information on different websites.

There are still many features of Microsoft Edge. You can change your browser theme based on your interest. Other features of Microsoft Edge are Sharing via Share Panel, Pin to Start, and many more. With Microsoft Edge, you will browse the internet happier than before.

What are the Advantages of Microsoft Edge?

We have mentioned great features of Microsoft Edge. So, we can mention what the advantages of Microsoft Edge are. Microsoft Edge is the fastest browser today. You can open a website and get information from the internet faster. Microsoft Edge has an advantage in reading list and reading view. You will be so comfortable when browsing by using this browser.

Another advantage of Microsoft Edge is its bookmark. If another browser requires internet data to browse bookmark, you don’t need it when using Microsoft Edge. With Cortana on Microsoft Edge, you can also use your voice to write URL address of the site you want to visit. Microsoft Edge is the choice for people who want to browse the internet easier, faster, and happier.

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