The Ceased Microsoft Silverlight Application Framework

For those who like to stream TV series or movies from Netflix via desktop computer must have known Microsoft Silverlight. Microsoft Silverlight is a free plug-in that is used to run internet applications, stream online videos, and create mobile apps. Netflix and Amazon Video are the most popular service providers who have known using Microsoft Silverlight.

What is Microsoft Silverlight?

Microsoft Silverlight is similar to Adobe Flash, a plug-in that can enable the browser to run multimedia, graphic, animation, and get interactive with internet applications. Silverlight can stream videos with all kinds of quality from standard definition quality to 720p HD quality.

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microsoft silverlight
Silverlight is not limited to the browser only. You can configure it to run not only in the browser but also outside the browser. Silverlight support CLI language that has been used by developers to create mobile applications especially for Windows Phone.

Microsoft Silverlight is a cross-platform plug-in which means it is compatible with Windows and Mac OS X desktop or laptop. Microsoft Silverlight is also a cross-browser plug-in which means it can run in most used browsers such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari. However, Silverlight plug-in is not available for Internet Explorer in Windows Phone or Windows Mobile.

Microsoft Silverlight features

  • WPF and XAML. Silverlight adopts the technology of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) that can allow the developer to build graphics-rich UI within the Web browser. Extensive Application Markup Language (XAML) is used to markup syntax and vectors of graphics and animations creating elements for UI.
  • Extending JavaScript functions to maintain browser UI and work together with WPF elements.
  • Support all popular Web browsers and desktop platforms.
  • Integrate with applications that used JavaScript, ASP .NET, and AJAX codes.
  • Allow users to create applications using .NET Framework language including its dynamic derivative languages.
  • Allow users to use .NET Framework development tools for creating applications.
  • Support any Networking and Web Services.
  • Include Language-Integrated Query (LINQ).

Microsoft Silverlight supporting platforms

There are five versions of Silverlight that have been launched by Microsoft. The last version, Silverlight 5, was launched in 2012. All versions are compatible with all popular Web browser. However, Google Chrome has stopped supporting Silverlight since Chrome 45, which have been released in September 2015. It is because Google Chrome is no longer supporting NPAPI plug-in.

Mozilla Firefox follows Google Chrome to stop NPAPI plug-in which means Firefox 52 which have been released in March 2017 will be the last Firefox that is compatible with Silverlight. The latest version of Internet Explorer on Microsoft Windows and Safari on Apple Mac OS are still compatible with Silverlight 5.

The operating systems for the desktop that support Microsoft Silverlight are Microsoft Windows (up to Windows 8.1) and Mac OS X. For mobile phone, Silverlight is compatible Symbian (series 60) OS, Windows Mobile 6.x. and Windows Phone 7.5 which is based on Silverlight 4.

All Microsoft Silverlight versions are available for free. Microsoft has been stopped the development of Silverlight since 2013, but patches and bug fixes will still be available until October 2021.

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